Elsie’s Dream Trip: How a 4-Year-Old’s Wish Took Us to New York

The Spark: Elsie’s Wish

Elsie's Dream Trip
Elsie’s Dream Trip

Elsie’s Dream trip to New York, One ordinary day, our curious 4-year-old daughter, Elsie, approached her dad with a heartfelt request: “Dad, I want to see the Statue of Liberty, the real one.” This simple yet profound statement from a preschooler took us by surprise. Despite her age, Elsie’s fascination with the iconic symbol of freedom was evident. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and curiosity, reflecting a genuine interest that was hard to ignore.

Dad (thats, me) thought that Elsie was just having a moment, maybe she just seen it on a TV show, she’ll forget about it. But Elsie’s request wasn’t just a fleeting whim; it was a deeply seated desire that resonated with her on a personal level. Over the next month or so Elsie repeatedly said she wanted to visit the statute. It really was Elsie’s Dream to visit New York

As parents, we were intrigued by her passion and determination. The Statue of Liberty, an emblem of hope and freedom, had captured our daughter’s imagination in a way that few things had before. This desire planted a seed in my mind, sparking the idea of a family trip to New York. Mum, had only flown once in her younger days and neither Elsie or her brother and sister had flown before!

Not just a Dream

We began to realize that this was more than just a child’s simple wish. Elsie’s interest in the Statue of Liberty revealed her budding curiosity about the world around her. It was a chance to nurture her inquisitive nature and expose her to new experiences. The idea of visiting New York City, with its rich history and cultural significance, became an exciting possibility.

The initial spark of Elsie’s wish quickly transformed into a discussion between me and the wife filled with anticipation and planning. We researched the best ways to visit the Statue of Liberty and started envisioning the adventure that lay ahead. The excitement in Elsie’s eyes each time we suggested we would go one day was infectious, and it solidified our decision to make her dream a reality.

Thus, a simple request from our 4-year-old set the wheels in motion for an unforgettable journey. It was a testament to the power of a child’s dream and the lengths to which parents will go to make it come true.

Planning the Adventure: Research and Preparation

With Elsie’s wish echoing in his mind, We embarked on a mission to transform her dream into reality. The initial step was conducting meticulous research to ensure a seamless and memorable experience for the entire family. This was unusual in itself cause I’m normally spontaneous so don’t plan anything! This involved identifying the best time to visit New York. We settled for February 2023, a period promising fewer crowds and a reasonable average temperature.

Finding the ideal spots to see was paramount, especially those that would captivate a four-year-old’s imagination. Mum wanted to see the 9/11 memorial and the Alice in Wonderland statue in central park and I wanted to visit the USS Intrepid museum. The Statue of Liberty an obvious must-visit landmark, reflecting the essence of New York City. Beyond the iconic statue, I curated an itinerary rich with family-friendly activities, including visits to the usual Central Park sights, the American Museum of Natural History, and a leisurely stroll through Times Square’s dazzling lights. The older two kids were just happy to be visiting the USA.

Hotel Beacon, NYC

Equally important was securing suitable accommodations that catered to the needs of a family with young children. I combed through numerous hotels and found one that we both agreed would be great. Hotel Beacon NYC, we had a 1 bedroom suite that sleeps six, it was perfect. The accommodation promised both comfort and convenience, ensuring a restful base after each day’s adventures. It was close to central park, had a kitchen and there was a supermarket right across the street, Perfect!

Elsie Dream Trip: Staying in the Hotel Beacon
Elsie checks out the view!

After weeks of planning and fine-tuning schedules, the trip’s framework was firmly in place. The final challenge was preserving the element of surprise. To avoid the inevitable barrage of ‘Are we going yet?’ questions from Elsie and her siblings, the decision was made to keep the trip a secret until Christmas 2022. The anticipation was palpable, but maintaining the secret added an extra layer of excitement to the upcoming adventure.

The Big Reveal: Christmas Surprise

Christmas 2022 was unlike any other for our family, as it was the day we unveiled a long-held secret to our daughter, Elsie. Nestled beneath the twinkling lights and colorful decorations of our Christmas tree, a special gift awaited Elsie and her brother and sister. This wasn’t just any present; it was a carefully wrapped box containing a miniature Statue of Liberty and a replica ticket that would change the course of her young life.

When the moment came, Elsie’s little hands tore through the wrapping paper with the eagerness only a now 5-year-old can muster. As the paper fell away, her eyes widened in astonishment. The miniature Statue of Liberty stood as a beacon of wonder and possibility, but it was the accompanying ticket that truly captured her imagination. The ticket had the details of the flights and dates for her dream of visiting New York City. As she looked over the ticket and noticed the picture and the airplane image, her eyes sparkled with excitement and disbelief, reflecting the magic of the moment.

Surrounded by Mum & I, the living room filled with an electric mix of laughter, hugs, and joyful tears. Each of us took in the scene, relishing the unadulterated joy that radiated from Elsie. The revelation was not just about a trip; it was about making a young girl’s dream a reality. The countdown to this life-changing adventure had officially begun, and we all felt the weight of its significance.


From that moment on, the anticipation of our upcoming journey to New York City became a focal point of family discussions. It was a topic that brought smiles to our faces and added a layer of excitement to our daily lives. The reveal on Christmas Day was truly magical, marking the beginning of an adventure that would forever be etched in our memories.

The Journey and Experience: A Dream Fulfilled

Elsie on her first flight – Of to New York

February 2023 finally arrived, marking the beginning of an eagerly anticipated journey for our family. The excitement was palpable from the moment we stepped off the plane, greeted by the electrifying energy of New York City. This trip was not just a mere vacation for the family; it was the dream of our now five-year-old Elsie.

Our adventure in New York was filled with exploration, from iconic landmarks to hidden gems. The bright lights of Times Square, the grandeur of Central Park, and the architectural marvels of the cityscape left us in awe. We indulged in the city’s diverse culinary offerings, sampling everything from classic New York pizza to exquisite pastries. Every corner we turned offered a new experience, adding layers to our growing collection of memories.

Meeting Lady Liberty

The pinnacle of our trip was the visit to the Statue of Liberty. Elsie’s anticipation had been building for weeks, and as we approached the monument, her excitement was infectious. Seeing the statue up close was a moment of sheer wonder for her, a tangible realization of her dreams. When she finally touched the statue, her face radiated pure joy, a sight that filled our hearts with immense happiness. It was a moment that symbolized more than just a landmark visit; it was the fulfillment of a cherished wish.

This journey to New York was everything we had hoped for and more. It strengthened our family bond and provided us with stories and experiences that we will cherish for years to come. Watching Elsie’s dream come to life was a profound reminder of the magic that travel can bring, turning dreams into reality and creating indelible memories.

Check out he first YouTube short in which you can see her getting excited for the trip.

Unfortunately we didn’t film much in New York as Elsie’s YouTube hadn’t materialised yet!

Now her sister has decided she want’s to go to Miami!

If you want to read about what inspired Elsie to start a YouTube channel check out her previous blog post here, all posts are written by Dad with creative input form Elsie herself.

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